Stem cell based models of neuronal development in a dish
Neural rosette formation of cerebral organoid. Green marks neuronal progenitor cells (SOX2), red marks dendrites (MAP2) and blue stains nuceli (DAPI).
In order to study the development of human neurons and in particular to recapitulate the neurodevelopment of a given individual, we use human stem cells. In close cooperation with the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, we are currently establishing a standardized pipeline to model neuronal development in a dish. The aim is to study the development of glutamatergic and dopaminergic neurons in vitro and to model the neuronal development of study participants. Using cerebral organoids (3D cultures) we aim to identify the role of disease-relevant genes and the patients‘ specific mutations. This will help us to understand the underlying pathomechanism and to gain new insights into the development of personalized therapies.